Software Development Team Use Case

How software developers can use Treemple for their daily work

Software development team needs a few applications that:

  • Structure and maintain all the team projects (like Jira)
  • Register issues found in the projects (like Github Issues)
  • Collaborate with team members (like Slack)
  • Store a knowledge base mined during development process (like Wiki Pages)
  • Have a space where each team member can manage their personal tasks (like Todoist)
Lets see how everything can be handled in a single application. In Treemple.


Task/Project Management

Tasks list can be huge. That's why it might be good idea to group tasks to a project, folder or other container. Treemple likes structuring. It likes it so much that it doesn't put any limit to containers depth. And the best thing is that any node can be container:

  • Project might contain folders or vice versa
  • Task can contain sub tasks with sub sub task and so on

Multi-level hierarchy helps structure tasks

Navigation in containers is very intuitive like in any file explorer. To make it even more easy to navigate, on the left side there is main container hierarchy. It lists root containers with their children. Left side also contains personal bookmarks and filter which will be discussed later.

left sidebar
Root Containers, Bookmarks, Filters

Each node in the list may contain useful information like:

  • Task Owner
  • Status/Progress information
  • Tags
  • Priority
  • And many other

information in list
Detailed information inside list

Task Details

Task can contain a lot of information:

  • Task Name
  • Description
  • Status/Progress
  • Priority
  • Owner
  • Tags
In Treemple it is possible to set all listed properties above and even more! Actually you can decide what properties are needed for each of the node type.

Task details
Task details with collaboration below

Description can be filled with rich text editing capabilities including:

  • Formatted text
  • Lists
  • Tables
  • Images
  • and more


Registered tasks are static representation of current situation. What makes them dynamic or up-to-date are team members discussions. Each node in Treemple has a channel for team collaboration.

Discussion with Expert Domain about new feature

Collaboration can be enhanced with Request. Request can be:

  • Request for Approval
  • Request for Feedback
  • Vote
  • And more

Request to participate in the next meeting

Bug Tracking

Every application development process includes bug tracking. Treemple provides possibility to register issues and track their statuses.

Issues list
List of registered issues

Sometimes request could be mailed by application customers. Treemple has a Mail Integration feature. it is possible to add a company mailbox as container.

Maibox integrationg
Mailbox integrated in Treemple

Each mail can be stored in the Treemple and then be converted to more specific node like task/issue/incident/meeting etc. or moved to a different container.

Maibox integrationg
Mail from customer is linked to the developer task

Maintaining Knowledge Base

During development process team needs a place to share and maintain all the knowledge that they found. Treemple is good place to store it. With capabilities like:

  • Structuring knowledge with multi-level hierarchy
  • Storing knowledge with rich text editing capabilities
  • Next version of Treemple will also provide capability to integrate Office documents editing
  • Adding tags or other information
  • Collaborate on knowledge

Knowledge base
Structuring knowledge by containers

Personal To Do

What is left is personal task management. There is should be a place we can store/manage our personal tasks or tasks in draft mode. In Treemple it is easy, just create a Workspace/Folder/Project and give permission only to yourself. The best thing is that it is possible to create a link from team visible tasks to personal container. This logic is called Shortcut. Shortcut creates a link from source to destination node. Any change on one side reflects on other side. Containers can be shortcuts as well.

Personal container with shortcuts to issues

Sometimes it is needed to be notified at specific Date & Time. Treemple has a Reminder feature. Just set date & time when you should be notified on specific node.

Setting reminder about draft preparation

Another great features are Bookmarks and Filters. Each node can be bookmarked and listed in the left side for quick access.

Bookmarks and Filters
Personal bookmarks list and named filters

Filter contains many fields to be used in search. Frequently used filter can be saved.

Bookmarks and Filters
Filter fields

Apart from filtering there is a feature called Quick Find. It can be activated by CTRL(^)+K shortcut. Searched node can be found by typing it's name, number or id.

Bookmarks and Filters
Result of nodes contains 'Dev'