Getting Started

Last updated 17 October 2020

Get Started With Treemple

Congratulations with new Treemple account! Not sure what to do first? Start Here:

Please have a look to this demo:


Please check a development team use case page which explain how Treemple can be used by software developers in their daily work


In order to use Treemple please follow the link https://[your-team-name]

Zoom Meeting Creation

In order to create a Zoom Meeting, please:

  1. Select a node
  2. Select meeting tab
  3. Press Create Meeting button
  4. If you not authorized yet, you will be forwarde to Zoom Authorization Page
  5. Press Authorize
  6. Meeting will be created and you will be a host of this meeting
  7. No need to authorize for the further meeting (within one hour)

Zoom Meeting Joining

In order to join a Zoom Meeting, please:

  1. Select a node
  2. Select meeting tab
  3. Press Join Meeting button

Uninstalling Treemple application in Zoom account

In order to uninstall Treemple app:

  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate To the Zoom App Marketplace
  2. Click Manage>Installed Apps or serach for Treemple app
  3. Click the Treemple app
  4. Click Uninstall

Contact Us

Please contact about any questions by pressing Mail to button below.